Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I Told Him So!

Before you get all excited, I still haven't tried out the Internet in the boondocks, but my 3G iPhone works!

Before we left Louisiana I strongly suggested to Steve that he get a couple new tires for the back of the pick up since we would be pulling our camper. 

He didn't. 

He sooo deserved this:

But I gotta tell you, he was smiling (can you see it?) when he changed the tire - he KNEW he deserved it... lol...

He had it done in no time flat though and we were back on the road again...

A bit later, I saw this sunset:

Western Oklahoma makes for some fun shaped trees and beautiful sunsets.  Yes, that is a cemetery there - but I didn't have much time to find a better setting and I kinda like cemeteries anyway.

Punkin' and I made a gingerbread house today - her mom bought it and gave the job to me.  I am so darned lucky!

Last night, Punkin' opened a gift from her other grandmother.  It was a book about Jesus' birth and her grandmother recorded her reading it to her and sent it.  Punkin' loved it:

When she heard her grandma Ruth's voice her face said it all:

We listened to it 4 times - she loves the book, Ruth - it is a hit!

I just look at her when we are around each other.  I can't believe how much she grew while we lived in Singapore.  We missed so much, but not as much as other granny's that are far away from their little ones, and surely not as much as I have missed of our boys in California.  Living half a world or half a country away - it makes no difference, you are still missing so much of their lives...  I took a picture of Punkin' today just because I could - maybe I can bribe a few pictures of our grandson's for the holiday.  Jerbear?  Cheyenne?  Can you send pictures?  I would love to have a few... 

Well, that is it for now.  Life keeps on twirling whether we have time to write or not, doesn't it  Hope everyone is enjoying your holidays - I will be back when I can.

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