Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Back in Alaska...

Oh wait...  It appears the GPS says we are back in Louisiana - however, it feels like Alaska.  It is freaking cold here!  I thought we left the cold back in Oklahoma - but nope, we brought it right back with us to Louisiana.  Maybe Steve took a wrong turn and went north to Alaska?  lol... 

Enjoy it folks - you don't get to see it that often, right?

Our trip to Oklahoma was uneventful, much too short and heavenly cold.  Have I ever said I love cold weather?  Just wondering... do you know where we live?  I am going to enjoy this cold snap to its fullest!

Steve's mom plopped down about 2 dozen knives and told him she needed them sharpened... so this is what Steve got to do in western Oklahoma:

Then he got accused of making them too sharp - she immediately cut two fingers!  *gulp*  Thankfully she was ok - just a bit perturbed.  He told her to be careful with those knives - they were sharp!  Silly woman!

Anyway, I will be going fast and furious to get ready to go back to Singapore.  I already have dates lined up like soldiers on my calendar for fun things to do and people to see.  

Leone, are you ready?  Let's get back to clickin'!  How about Macro Monday?

Off to do a bit around the house.  I feel like that guy looks - a bit crazy - and I want him by the way.  I have looked and looked for him, so if you see him in one of your trash books can you let me know?  Mother said she got him in one of those catalogs that came in the mail... 
keep an eye out for me, will you?

Things to do... or maybe not.  Later gator... 

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