Thursday, April 3, 2014

Washington DC

Yesterday, Steve and I had a break in our schedule because some things got moved around.  We decided to go sight seeing In DC.

Due to my fatigue, we didn't get to see much, but I will share a few pics:

I cannot wait to explain this more in another post:

Nothing prepares you for this:

And lots of construction going on here:

I wore slap out before we could get to the White House.  We will have to see it next year.  I have slept all day and didn't have the energy for the ride, walk, subways and traffic jams to go back.

And just for fun, someone lost their hair in DC - at least it is not a shoe, Ann!  Lol...

I hate to admit that I didn't take it to lost and found.  

I had my saliva gland biopsy today.  My lip is miserable!  The stitch came out before we even got home.  The Dr told me today that I have four of five markers for Sjogren's Syndrome.  I am praying for the biopsy to rule the other 4 out.

Have to pack for our journey home.  Sure do miss our place; our chicks, Cadence, Chelsea, and our girls... 

It has sure been great staying and visiting with a friend from ELEMENTARY school.  Can you believe we have stayed friends all those years? More on that later, too.

Later gator!

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