Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Fall Foilage

Not much chatter today - just thought you would like to enjoy fall.  Most of these were taken as we drove down the highway at around, say 70-ish miles an hour - and through the truck window, so keep that in mind  ;-)

I don't think we could have hit the color show at a better time.  It was incredible!

Fall is definitely in Missouri, at around 1,200 - 1,500 ft of elevation.  Should be here any minute - but I don't think it could top the colors God shared this weekend.  The last weekend of October is a great time to go to Branson!

Is it fall where you are yet?  Are the bougainvilleas falling in Singapore? 

Happy fall wherever you are!

1 comment:

Michelle Beney said...

love love the colors! i definitely miss the seasons! enjoy