Monday, March 10, 2008

Good Morning Granny!

My morning started early. The birds outside were chirping, and I was excited to start the day. After all, I have so much to do in just a few days!

I opened my eyes to one of the prettiest sights ever - flowers on my dresser! pR and mommy had bought flowers at the store when they went shopping for necessities for granny. It is so nice not to have to race to the store after a 11 hour drive :-) Anyway, Steph said pR put them in the wrapper in granny's room. Steph and pR decided they needed water and placed them in a pitcher I have. Then Steph asked pR if she wanted to put them on the table so granny would see them right away, and pR said, "no, I want them in granny's bedroom so she can see them when she wakes up!"

See them I did Ms R, and what a smile it brought to my face. I have missed you all so much. It is little things like this that makes granny feel so loved. Thank you for making my day happy :-)

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