Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Ultimate Junk Store... Dinky Di Store

At the intersection of these two streets:

Across the street from Raffles Hospital...

In this building:

Right next to this bus stop:

Is this store:

In this store is a narrow walk:

A very narrow walk... lol...

To this huge pile of... treasures?

Enter at your own risk.  Take skinny bags, bulky ones will be a hazard to you - or the loot.  Take only one friend.  If you take two, one will have to wait outside.  There is no room one, much less two. Three is out of the question. 

The best way to shop?

Window shopping of course!

Do you need to call to see if he will be in?

Have fun!  If you find something wonderful can you let me know?  

When you leave his store, walk out the door, to the left.  Go down a few doors - I didn't count.  There is a linen place that was closed that sure looked fun, and the prices?  Surely, they cannot be right - I can afford them!  Lol... Check it out for me too, please?  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am a Dinky Di-hard from back in December 1976 when my family & I first med Mohammad Farooq while he still had the store in Old Change Alley at Clifford Pier. He had nearly everything in that store too, & if he didn't have it, he sure knew where to find it. When Old Change Alley was closed down, Mohammad & the Dinky Di store moved to Arial Plaza, also at Clifford Peir. All the stock moved too, & I mean ALL the stock. My last visit to the store prior to this one was in 1984 at the age of 17. This week my mother & I have brought my daughter to Singapore to celebrate her graduation from school - she is now 17. We had looked up the Dinky Di Store on the Internet as my daughter has grown up hearing about the store & Mohammad. While on one of the City Tour buses, I turned around as the bus stopped to find that we were right outside the store. We jumped off the bus & headed towards the gentleman with the push bike. He turned around & I saw the face I remembered from 30 years ago. As soon as I gave him my mother's & my names he instantly knew who we were. I introduced him to my daughter & he couldn't believe that he was now talking to 3 generations & that we would find him after so long. The shop is exactly as my mother & I remember it - full to the brim of all sorts of stuff. We agree with his niece in that it is a wonder how he finds anything, but somehow he does. If you want history, the Dinky Di store is a place you could spend hours.