Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Projek Anakawa IBC 3

I was teaching at the school, so I didn't have time to have my camera out - I only got a handful of pictures there.  Sadly, I realized last night, I have no pictures of me with the children at the school - or at the children's home.  It never occurred to me to have someone take pictures.  I think one of the girls (and sadly, I don't remember who) took a picture of me teaching - but I only vaguely remember someone showing me.  I hope I can get a copy of it.  

I had such a great time teaching!  The children are like sponges - they really want to learn.  I am learning how to make it easier on us each time I go.  This time, my  helpers and I were teaching farm animals.  My intent was to get them to say, "There is a cat!" when I showed them flashcards, then to look down at their paper and say, "Here is a cat!" as they pointed to the cat on their page.  However, they would point and say, "Cat!".  

I had a difficult time telling them I wanted them to say the entire sentence, "There is a cat!" and "Here is a cat!".  We spoke with the Bahasa Indonesian teacher yesterday, and she agreed that if we could send her the lessons before the last class of the month, she could go over them and teach us how to tell the children what we expect of them.  I think this will help us tremendously.  We did get the point across finally, but I feel like we wasted too much time trying to accomplish that.  Since we go to the school and children's home the first week of the month, it will still be fresh in our memory and we should be able to communicate so much quicker.  As I said, the children are so anxious to learn!

Since I don't have many pictures of school, I will share the few that I have.  As we are preparing to go into the classes, the children are quite excited we are there.  We get to see this:

Isn't that fun?

They are so tickled when we finally come in... they smile, and pose for pictures for us.

But when we get into the classroom, we have no problem getting them to settle down and learn:

They actually seem to enjoy it!  Such a nice change from subbing in the schools in the states.

Once we are finished, they have a few moments until the school day is over.  Here is how they spend their time:

Can you see they are not disruptive at all?

 Just as we are leaving, we get to see the girls taking down the flag:

The after school assembly at the flag pole:

The song they sing:

I LOVE listening to them!  It absolutely warms my heart!

And finally, closing with a prayer.  

In Indonesia.  

How wonderful is this?!

While we are at the school teaching, we see these little ones outside of our classrooms.  They listen to everything we do, and seemingly move freely throughout the school grounds.  I am not sure if they are neighborhood children, or instructor's children.  I am more inclined to think neighborhood children - but the instructors just take them in stride.  We enjoy the inquisitive faces:

Aren't they adorable?

And with that, I will say for one more month I enjoyed the sweet moments I had with all of the children.  I am  so blessed to have that opportunity.  I wish I had found them when I first got here; I would have loved being a part of their lives for the entire two years.  Regardless, if I never go back, I will always hold a special place in my heart for them.  They have taught me more than I could ever teach them.

Now, if anyone has a picture of me there, will you please share it?  I will love you forever! *holding my breath*

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Sis, this is so amazing and I love the pictures. You are amazing and they are just as blessed to have you as you are them! Love you!