Friday, February 26, 2010


I can't quite pinpoint it... this feeling I have.  I guess I have so many emotions tumbling around that I can't quite figure out if I am happy, or sad, excited, or bummed.  

The house is sold.  The money (finally) got to us and we were able to close the deal yesterday, just as planned - only 3 hours later than even the attorney planned - which totally messed us up getting the camper set up at the lake, but it all worked out.   That story is for another day...

The really good feeling about it all is that it went to a young couple that were super excited to be getting the house.  It is nice to know it went to someone like that.  They have young children and hopefully will enjoy hundreds of BBQ's, many lazy evenings out under the swing and a content life living in the house.

One of the emotions I feel right now is exhausted.  Tired to the bone does not begin to cover it, but maybe tire to the bone marrow gets close...  lol... Between the travel over here, the move, the sale of the house, the paperwork, being sure the mail is all going where it needs to, the bills have been transferred, moving our camper, moving our 'leftover' stuff into the camper, unpacking, getting it organized, running errands like changing the bank information, canceling insurance, updating driver's licenses, appointment with our attorney, shopping for the return trip (you know the American stuffs we want in Sing), and getting one night of rest... now we get to start repacking to go back to Singapore, break down the camper, park it, store the vehicles, shop for a new computer and clothes... ok, so maybe tired to the platelets might cover it... lol...

Anyway, life is good.  Tiring but good.  Soon, we will be back in Singapore, enjoying the same life we have been for 20 months - it will be the same, but so much different.  Or will it?

The answer to the question we keep getting?  We are living in Singapore until further notice.  The money from the sale will be in savings until we decide it is time to buy property in some unknown location.  I guess we see what the company wants to do with us first.  Until then, Singapore is where we will be.  

Update on my side - MUCH better thankyouverymuch  :-)  Finally, very little pain - occasional twinges is all.  YAY!

We leave Sunday morning for Singapore.  We arrive in Singapore Tuesday morning.  If I don't get back on here until then, please be patient... haven't I been saying that a lot lately?   Gotta love me - otherwise you wouldn't be coming back  :-)

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