Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Motel Room - Broke :-(

For years we used our camper regularly. Since Steve has been working this job, we can never plan a vacation, because his jobs are so intense he cannot plan dates for taking a job. So our once very used camper has become an extended part of our house - a motel room. When we have a huge amount of people come and we cannot put them all in the house, we open 'motel Bryant'. 

This visit, as the guys went to open it - it did not open. Jeremy and Steve were doing it together for old times' sake. However, it has set so long it broke when the guys went to put the top up.

Sooo.... they improvised. They took 2x4's (see them on the corners?) and inched it up until they had it at full height, then stabilized it with the 2x4's. Steve decided after the family left he would fix it. Yesterday we worked on fixing it. *sigh*

I walk in the camper and I can *smell* all the vacations and adventures we have taken in it. It has been so many places with us that is makes me sad to see it sitting - or even being used as a motel room. Anyway, we nearly have it fixed and working again, but the rain has set in. We cannot put it down until it is dry. Steve leaves on Tuesday morning for his new adventure in Singapore. I hope we can get it down and secured before he leaves.

Anyway, it is sad to see it sitting, not vacationing with us - and more sad that it is deteriorating while we continue to hope we will eventually get to go camping again. Maybe it will happen. Until then - I hope someone uses it.

Off to get some more things ready for the adventure - packing the safe with important papers. Steve has assured me that he will help since he has anchored it in the concrete and I cannot drop it on him again. 

UGH! Men!